UPDATE 12/18/14:
After extensive debate and public discussion, the City Council passed a resolution to amend local law Chapter 197. The resolution essentially restores the attic FAR rules to the way they were in 2006 before New York State created a loophole. While this is encouraging, the revised law does little to address the need for master planning and economically sustainable development.
Attic Regulation Workshop
November 19, 2013 7:30 PM
The Rye City Council is considering a local law to amend the City Zoning Code to change how attic space is included in the calculation of gross floor area for single-family residences. The proposed law is intended to address concerns about the bulk, mass, scale of housing.
This workshop was requested by the City Council and will be a facilitated discussion. The discussion will focus on the following four areas of concern that have been raised by members of the public at hearings conducted last month:
For the full agenda click here